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Birth is a completely normal, natural, healthy experience with its own rhythm and flow. If mom and baby are healthy, free of fear, relaxed, experiencing a healthy labor and mom trusts her birthing instincts and the normal functioning of her body then a calm, comfortable, drug-free birth is achievable.

"We believe that every woman has within her the power to call upon her natural instincts to bring about the best possible birthing for her baby and herself"
-Marie F. Mongan

What is HypnoBirthing®?

HypnoBirthing® - The Mongan Method, is a complete childbirth education programme that aims to teach parents focused relaxation techniques through self-hypnosis, visualization and breathing, much like daydreaming. These techniques are used during birthing to allow the body to function as it was designed to, with the birthing muscles working in perfect harmony, to achieve birth calmly and easily. Mom is fully conscious and aware during the birthing.

Through history, especially in western societies, women have come to fear and dread childbirth. It is this fear which causes tension and the release of stress hormones resulting in the body tensing and straining against itself leading to discomfort and unnecessary interventions. Fear causes tension. Tension causes pain. HypnoBirthing® teaches you that, in the absence of fear and tension, or special medical circumstances, severe pain does not have to be an accompaniment of labor.

The relaxation techniques taught in HypnoBirthing® promote the release of the body's natural endorphins which are 200 times more effective than Morphine. The birth companion plays an integral role in the birthing process by providing emotional and physical support and ensuring a quiet, calm and relaxed birthing environment. Bonding of the whole family unit accompanies the HypnoBirthing® journey. The classes equip parents with the confidence and knowledge to make informed decisions for the best course for their own unique birth experience.

Empowering couples to make informed, educated choices for the birth of their babies